Dark Light

這次曼谷旅行特別造訪了幾個好拍照的景點,看到Open House的照片就讓我非常期待!Open House位在Central Embassy這個高級的貴婦百貨裡,果然非常奢華有設計感,裡面的小細節都好精緻,處處讓我們不禁驚呼。今日穿搭還是走一個度假休閒路線,不過因為還要跟泰國美女醫師朋友一起吃飯,加入一些lady的元素唷!

Open House位於Central Embassy的六樓,是由居住在東京的設計工作室Klein Dytham Architecture設計的,裡面空間分成好幾個區塊,但整體沒什麼視覺阻隔,看起來非常寬闊!包含了書店、好幾家精緻的餐飲、咖啡店,甚至還有兒童遊戲區,在這裡時常舉辦藝文活動,真是太酷了啊。

恰好最近Central Embassy的一樓有個有趣的互動型裝置藝術,The Beach圍出一個區塊,裡面擺滿了白色的塑膠球,並且佈置成沙灘的樣子,許多年輕人在裡面拍照,也有不少小孩玩得很開心。因為進去需要購買50泰銖的新襪子,而且裡面已經有不少人潮,我們就沒有進去了,從二樓看也過過了乾癮。

In this trip to Bangkok, I was very excited about visiting Open House at Central Embassy.  Located at the sixth floor in this modern and luxurious building, its amazement was imaginable . There were so many creative designs you could discover.   With the wide-spread, broad internal space, I was so relaxed and fell in love with this place immediately.

Open House was designed by Tokyo-based Klein Dytham Architecture. There were a bookstore with plenty of comfortable reading areas, exhibitions, coffeeshops and even  a well-designed playground for kids.

We were lucky to find The Beach exhibition at the ground floor.  In this art/exhibition area, there were tons of white plastic balls, and the surrounding was decorated as the beach.  It seemed to be a place for everyone, with children having fun with balls inside and young people chatting and taking pictures of each other. If there were not so many people inside, I would definitely dive into the balls!

度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦 度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦


度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦 度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦 度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦


Open House組成很豐富,空間有大量的陽光灑落,也寬敞到不行,是不是超舒服啊!

Eating Deck/ Eat by the Park / Open House bookshop by HARDCOVER / Co-Thinking Space / Art Tower/ Design Shop / Open Playground

今天穿的幾乎都是曼谷的戰利品,在曼谷只要有心挖寶,可以找到很多品質不錯又便宜的東西呢!度假感的葉子背心與棉麻中長裙都是在恰圖恰週末市集買的,兩個加起來只要400泰銖,這價錢已經便宜到我完全不敢再殺價啊。帽子是在我最愛的百貨Terminal 21買的,這次戴帽子上癮了,到處逛逛都有留意帽子,但這一家是我覺得品質最好,價格也不會太高,重點是設計俐落,帽子又很硬挺,超好看!

Open House is composed of a great variety of departments.  I was amazed with the art and decorations all around. I took some photos at Co-Thinking Space, which was my favorite space of all.  It was so bright and I could enjoy the breathtaking view of Bangkok without being obscured.

As for today’s outfit, I was so excited about those lovely pieces I bought so I wore them immediately.  During this trip to explore different shopping areas in Bangkok, I realized that there were  really good stuff that was inexpensive but with good quality.  The vest with tropical vibe and the round skirt were both linen.  Out of my surprise, they only cost me 400 Baht!  The hat was also a  must-buy.  The quality was really good and the design was clean and sleek as well.   I would definitely wear this hat very often.

度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦 度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦 度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦 度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦 度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦 度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦 度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦  度假穿搭,時尚穿搭,曼谷好拍照景點,曼谷熱門打卡餐廳,曼谷行程安排,曼谷行程推薦

上面這一張照片你敢相信是在廁所拍的嗎 XD 看到這麼美麗的設計,搭配外面超強大的風景,真讓人難以想像竟然世界上有這麼厲害的廁所存在。我們走在裡面根本邊走邊驚嘆,大家說得沒錯,曼谷真的到處充滿藝術啊!

The last photo was taken inside of the women’s bathroom.  I was taken away by the incredible artistic  designs and the view here.  After visiting Open House,  I truly believed that there were still a lot of amazing places worth exploring in Bangkok.


Open House at Central Embassy

地址:1031 Ploenchit Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok


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