Dark Light

雖然我本來就很愛寬褲,牛仔寬褲也早就吹起流行的風潮,猶豫了很久很久,終於在日本待的那一個月,被滿街都是穿著牛仔寬褲的櫻花妹給燒到了。在北海道入手這一件Lowry’s Farm的寬褲,剪裁非常好看,每次穿出門都有被稱讚啊(真的不誇張)!

上次去東門站的Hi Nei Dou韓系咖啡館時,我就是穿這樣被店員誤以為是衣服賣家,想要跟我買這件的 XD 在日本各個日系品牌看了很久,Lowry’s Farm不愧是我的愛牌,這一件牛仔寬褲設計與其他品牌很不一樣,讓我第一眼就被吸引了。它十分修飾身材,雖然是軟質的布料,腰部的地方以直的摺紋收腰,有點像是束腹的效果。褲管的鬚邊讓褲子多了一點休閒和隨性,細節的設計很細緻。顯眼的大蝴蝶結腰帶也可以不使用,如果想要走個性一點的風格,直接露出腰部的摺紋設計也很好看。



Wide pants have been my go-to pieces for a while.  They are super comfortable for casual occasions and also good to create stylish looks with edgy accessories.  I already owned more than five wide pants (all bought in Japan, including Uniqlo, Ingni and Majestic Legon ones), and I also found out there had been a trend of wide jeans in Japan.  A lot of brands had their own wide jeans and they really did look good!

Finally, when I found these wide pants in Lowry’s Farm in Hokkaido, I couldn’t resist  the unique design and the lines that made these stand out.  The fringe at the bottom and the bow around the waist were the details that I loved.  The fabric was tender and breathable, which was perfect for spring and summer.  High-waist jeans could elongate the legs.

I matched the jeans with the white T from Zara.  Wearing the white T off the shoulder, I wanted to add some style mixing up the cuteness of the bow.  This outfit  was comfortable to wear on so many occasions.  I already wore these a few times and there were always requests about these jeans.  As I visited Hi Nei Dou, a cafe around MRT Dongmen station, a waitress there even asked me about these jeans (I didn’t know why but she thought I owned a clothes shop haha) as she intended to buy one from me!

Lowry's farm,春夏穿搭,時尚穿搭,淘寶購物 Lowry's farm,春夏穿搭,時尚穿搭,淘寶購物 Lowry's farm,春夏穿搭,時尚穿搭,淘寶購物  Lowry's farm,春夏穿搭,時尚穿搭,淘寶購物 Lowry's farm,春夏穿搭,時尚穿搭,淘寶購物 Lowry's farm,春夏穿搭,時尚穿搭,淘寶購物 Lowry's farm,春夏穿搭,時尚穿搭,淘寶購物

Outfit Info//

Top: Zara
Jeans: Lowry’s Farm
Mules: Taobao (more description in blog here)
Handbag: Chacha



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